«ЕЗДА В ОСТРОВ ЛЮБВИ» И ЛИТЕРАТУРНАЯ ПОЗИЦИЯ В.К.ТРЕДИАКОВСКОГО В ПЕРВОЙ ПОЛОВИНЕ 1730-Х ГОДОВ / Ezda v Ostrov Ljubvi and literary position of V. K. Tretyakovsky in the first half of the 1830s
Journal Title: Prace Polonistyczne - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue
The article considers the literary position of V.K. Trediakovsky in 1730–1735, which centered upon the idea of the sufficiency of Westernization gained by Russian literature in the epoch of Peter the Great. Initially, Trediakovsky held that the literary movement should promote the development of existing fundamentals rather than revolutionizing renovation. However, after having successfully incarnated his ideas in concrete artistic texts, namely – Ezda v Ostrov Ljubvi (A Journey to the Island of Love) and Pindaric ode Oda Torzhestvennaya o Sdache goroda Gdanska (Triumphant Ode on the Surrender of the City of Gdansk) – Trediakovsky drastically changed his literary position and started to demand that artistic discourse should be radically changed.
«Aller à la Pologne, c’était aller à la lumière». Claude Backvis et la médiation de la culture polonaise en Belgique francophone (1930-1960)
The figure of Claude Backvis (1910–1998) is well known to Polish scholars. His research is still valued today, especially his seminal work on the Baroque period. However, there is an aspect of Claude Backvis’s activity t...
Nauka stoicka Seneki i jej koegzystencja z wartościami chrześcijańskimi we fragmencie „Żywota człowieka poczciwego (Cnota – wielka królowa)” Mikołaja Reja. Retoryka na usługach dydaktyki / Seneca’s stoical education and its co-existence with christian values in the fragment of „Żywot człowieka poczciwego (Cnota – wielka królowa)” by Mikołaj Rej. Rhetoric on didactic services
The author utilizes a fragment of the Żywot człowieka poczciwego (Cnota – wielka królowa) by Mikołaj Rej, to prove that the Polish author reinterpreted Seneca’s ideas and adapted them to be in harmony with Christian teac...
Polskie reinterpretacje baśni Piotra Jerszowa. Analiza trzech adaptacji literackich
The present article is based on three literary rewritings of The Little Humpbacked Horse (Конёк-Горбунок, 1834): 1) The Tale of Knight Niezginek, the Self-cutting Sword and the Self-playing Gusli (Baśń o rycerzu Niezgink...
Pisarstwo prymasa Andrzeja Olszowskiego (1623–1677) / The writing of primate Andrzej Olszowski (1623–1677)
Primate Andrzej Olszowski (1623–1677) left a rich literary legacy, which has not yet become an object of interest for historians of literature. Olszowski’s works have been treated as source texts for political history st...
Być obcym u siebie? Marcin Świetlicki i Barbara Gruszka-Zych wobec znaków przynależności
The article is a reflection on the symbols through which the modern experience of cultural belonging is expressed and on the motivations behind their contestation. Examples of selected themes that Marcin Świetlicki and B...