Features of wind conditions, turbulence, substrate humidity and phytoreclamation processes interaction on the landfill surface
Journal Title: Лісівництво і агролісомеліорація - Year 2014, Vol 124, Issue
The paper studies wind conditions, turbulence, substrate humidity, syngenetic plant microassociations of landfill. It was established that natural phytoreclamation processes on the surface of Lviv landfill mostly involve Chenopodium urbicum L., Humulus lupulus L., Trifolium pratense Schreb., Plantago major L., Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaerth., Taraxacum officinale Wigg., Phragmites australis L., Urtica dioica L., Сalamagrostis epigeios (L.) Roth., Arctium lappa L. Based on the correlation analysis the following conclusions were made. The growth of woody species is suppressed if wind speed increases in surface level. There is no correlation (correlation coefficient is -0,2) between turbulence ratio and coefficient of number of trees on measuring plots. Landfill substrate humidity at depths of 5 cm, 10 cm, 20 cm does not affect the trees’ development ( correlation coefficients are 0.24, 0.21, 0.24, respectively). The wind speed at a height of 0.2 m and 1.3 m impacts on the value of the humidity of the landfill substrate (average correlation (-0.30, -0.33, respectively)), that is an increase in wind speed in the surface layer decreases the landfill substrate humidity.
Authors and Affiliations
V. Popovych
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