Female Stereotypes in Lebanese Contemporary Songs: A Case Study of Ten Songs
Journal Title: Alternatif Politika - Year 2017, Vol 9, Issue 2
ABSTRACT. Many studies have shown that popular music is a dynamic medium in the construction of personal and social identities. This study analyses the image of women in ten Lebanese songs produced between 2010 and 2014; each song ranked as big hits. Typical of contemporary popular songs, these songs do not accord to the woman the value of an equal partner of the man. While rarely mentioning the ideas of sharing, exchanging, or reciprocity, they circulate many stereotypes such as the threatened/beaten woman, the housewife won through presents and flattery, the woman under the care of a man, and the woman as an owned and sexual object. Keywords: Lebanese Songs, Lebanese Women, Lebanese Contemporary Songs, Arabic Songs, Lebanon.
Authors and Affiliations
Roy Jreijiry
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