Філософія для юристів: методичні аспекти проблеми викладання у взаємозв’язку з питаннями методології та професійної спрямованості
Journal Title: Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка - Year 2017, Vol 80, Issue 4
У статті обґрунтовано використання форм занять, що орієнтуються на сучасні методичні тенденції. Лекція-полілог є розвитком класичної форми занять від суб’єкт-об’єктної взаємодії до суб’єкт-суб’єктної, що змінює навчальний процес у бік активізації пізнавальної діяльності. Аутосемінар є одним зі способів забезпечення рейтингової оцінки знань і розуміється як універсальна форма обговорення проблем. Однією з умов є участь усіх у його роботі. Головною етичною складовою є прозора система оцінки знань; професіональною складовою – формування навичок формулювання запитань і відповідей на них. The pedagogical perspective is considered as a general cultural problem, as well as the perspectives of world view and professional process of teaching philosophy for future lawyers. The goal of the proposed approach is the formation of the legal consciousness of a lawyer through the development of rational structures of consciousness, as well as substantiation of the educational discourse in assessing the level of knowledge. The pedagogical perspective of the problem analysis implies the rejection from subject-object relations in the educational process and the individualization of instruction. The main types of classes, where new methods are offered, are a lecture-polylogue and an auto-seminar. Lecture-polylogue involves participation in the discussion of the educational material by those present and assessment of knowledge as encouragement of their activity, as well as educational and business games. An important and necessary part of this work is the actualization of the knowledge of future specialists in parallel to special legal disciplines (intersubject communications). An auto-seminar in the methodical plan is one of the ways to overcome the class-lesson system of studies and the rating system of knowledge assessment. The seminar is understood as a universal form of discussion of problems and as an opportunity to master the scientific (rational) approach to them. One of the methodical methods is the compulsory participation of all present in all types of work and also the encouraging of the best students. Lecture-polylogue and auto-seminar are considered as methodically grounded ways of transition from subject-object to subject-subject relations in the educational process, closely related to various types of independent work. The proposed self-assessment system guarantees a greater degree of objectivity, which is ensured by publicity and democracy as an opportunity to participate in the assessment of anyone present, the main criterion is the evidence of the argumentation. The world view perspective assumes an accentuation of attention to questions of practical philosophy, overcoming the ordinary level of consciousness by developing the ability of independent judgment, which also has great educational significance, including the formation of an active citizenship. A professionally focused view of the problem is intended to focus on the knowledge and skills necessary for lawyers. Particular attention is paid to the ability to formulate a question and accurately answer it, relying on a specific educational material, as well as the ability to work with texts (primary sources).
Authors and Affiliations
Олексадр Литвинов
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