Суб’єкти інституту відумерлості спадщини


Статтю присвячено визначенню суб’єктів інституту відумерлості спадщини. Запропоновано до суб’єктів інституту відумерлості спадщини відносити: набувача права власності на відумерле майно (територіальна громада); суб’єктів управління відумерлою спадщиною (установник управління та управитель); суб’єктів звернення із заявою про визнання спадщини відумерлою (органи місцевого самоврядування; кредитор спадкодавця; власники або користувачі суміжних земельних ділянок); допоміжних суб’єктів (суд, нотаріус); зацікавлених суб’єктів (спадкоємці, які заявили свої вимоги після визнання спадщини відумерлою). The specifics of the subjective composition of the escheat succession’s institution in Ukraine have been considered. It has been found out that the subject of the escheat succession’s institution – is a participant of legal relations of the escheat succession having a sectoral legal personality. Besides, the specificity of this institution is to address the absence of such a subject as a successor. It has been concluded that the territorial community is the acquirer of subjective rights and responsibilities for the escheat succession, local self-government agency acts on behalf of the territorial community within legal relations of the escheat succession. Consequently, the subject – the acquirer of the escheat succession is a territorial community. The author has distinguished the subject-manager in the legal relations of the escheat succession. It has been established that the relevant local self-government agency, in case of the absence of the heirs or an executor of the will, concludes an agreement with another person to manage the succession. The range of persons who may be appointed as succession’s managers is not limited, and this is the reason that the manager of the property may be any individual having full civilian capacity, as well as a legal entity. The author has offered to consider an incorporator and the manager of the escheat succession as subjects of management of the escheat succession. It has been clarified that there are subjects who can apply to the court with a claim on the recognition of the succession as escheat. It has been emphasized that if for local self-government agencies it is a duty to file a petition to the court declaring the succession as escheat, then for other subjects it is their right. It has been suggested to include the following subjects of the escheat succession’s institution: the acquirer of the ownership for the escheat (territorial community); subjects managing from the escheat succession (management incorporator and manager); subjects applying with a claim to recognize the succession as escheat (local self-government agencies, ancestor’s creditor, owners or users of adjacent land plots); auxiliary subjects (court, notary); interested parties (legitimate heirs who have declared their claims after the recognition of the succession as escheat).

Authors and Affiliations

К. П. Гуменюк


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How To Cite

К. П. Гуменюк (2017). Суб’єкти інституту відумерлості спадщини. Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка, 80(4), 177-183. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-416959