Філософія перекладознавчої концепції Віктора Коптілова: від метакритики до теорії перекладу
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 12
The present article is aimed at providing an insightful snapshot of translation studies concept elaborated by Kyiv-based professor Victor Koptilov which became quite illuminating in 1970s. The functional mapping of the fast-growing discipline of Translation studies, the extension of its methodological apparatus and development of its metalanguage were the major research concentration areas in the workings of V. Koptilov. Basing his own theoretical assumptions on his activities as a leading Ukrainian translation critic, the scholar arrived at positioning “translation” as a parallel but not as reproduction or reflection, since it preserves the ideational and imagery structure of the original (of the foreign literary work) and functions as its semantic-stylistic analogy, but also reflects the cultural and social specificities of the target medium. In this line of reasoning, Victor Koptilov emphasized the creative – not a mechanical – nature of translation and pushed beyond then-dominating structuralist limits. He cautioned against the temptation to compare the words, syntactic structures or other constituents with the corresponding elements of the translated text, whereas not the elements of the text, but their functions in the aesthetic integrity of the original are translated. It is possible to outline a triad of major principles in V. Koptilov’s viewing translation, i.e. (1) the systemic principle, i.e. translation is considered a complex system (structurally organized whole of the literary work which at the same time is an element of the system of target culture; (2) the aesthetic principle, i.e. every translation is an aesthetic phenomenon and (3) the principle of contextualization, i.e. consideration of two epochs (of the original and of the translation), two cultural and national mediums and two stylistic systems. Furthermore, the relative notion of translateme was posited by V. Koptilov so as to pinpoint the dynamic nature of translation and to formulate the relational approach to identifying translation units. All things considered, V. Koptilov’s practical application of the translational analysis in numerous reviews models the mechanism to be deployed in translation quality assessment, namely the focus on three-dimensional plain: (1) the historical genealogical (retrospective) aspect, i.e. analysing the motivations for choice of translation; (2) the structural and functional aspect, i.e. an in-depth analysis of the structure of the original as an artistic whole and an aesthetical system; and (3) the historical functional (prospective) aspect, i.e. envisioning the role of translation in the recipient culture.
Authors and Affiliations
І. М. Одрехівська
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