Formation and improvement of clinical thinking in medical students
Journal Title: Медичні перспективи - Year 2019, Vol 24, Issue 1
Introduction and purpose of the study: high requirements for graduates of higher medical establishments facilitate the search, implementation and improvement of modern teaching methods in order to optimize the development of clinical thinking in medical students. In the the course of the work, a big volume of information was used, which was worked out using such methods as historical and literary synthesis, structural and logical analysis, abstract thinking and personal experience taking into account the principles of systemic approach and analysis. To improve the quality of medical students' training it is necessary to use the innovative teaching methods. Presence of the personal clinical archive, with allow to use archival material in the training process (for example, to use case-method), in the analysis of a clinical case and the use of data in the scientific work. The article presents an example of a clinical problem and emphasizes the importance of the case-method in teaching students in higher educational institutions. Formation of clinical thinking takes place over the course of direct work with the patient, with an independent attempt to resolve a specific clinical situation in real conditions. Case method allows to reveal and form the necessary personal qualities and abilities of medical students, necessary for the further work. Modern methods and means of information technology must be purposefully implemented into clinical practice and educational process for the development of professional skills, formation of clinical thinking, accumulation of clinical experience.
Authors and Affiliations
O. Кhaniukov, S. Kozlov, Y. Yehudina, L. Sapozhnychenko, Yu. Kozlova
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