Formation of Primary School Pupils' Abilities to Persuade and to Argue in the Context of Vasyl Sukhomlynsky’s Ideas (the Epistolary Text Example).


The article deals with the problem of forming junior schoolchildren's abilities to persuade and to argue by means of V. Sukhomlynsky’s pedagogical views. The definite aspects of the textual activity in the process of making up epistolary texts at Ukrainian lessons have been defined in this publication. The author proves the idea that Vasyl Sukhomlynsky’s conceptual positions concerning the formation of pupils’ communicative competence are of great importance, significance and demand; teaching modern Ukrainian must be practically oriented and applied in natural speech practice; epistolary texts introduce the elementary rules of logic to children and develop their skills to use them in everyday life. The ability to influence audience is considered to be a part of communicative competence, it is necessary for various kinds of activities. Addressees interpret the content of the text taking into the consideration their own attitudes, life experience and the influence of previous texts. For this reason, reaction can be unexpected and unpredictable for an author. Authors of letters can only expect the addressees’ possible reaction but they cannot control their emotional condition. So it is necessary for an author to give such arguments that could be interpreted as close as possible to the content. The letters which prove the arguments they contain are considered to be rational. The tactics of an argument is the basis of any belief. Well-chosen facts in the defense of a certain opinion can have a significant influence on a listener and contribute to the achievement of a speaker’s goals. The text constructed according to these rules contains the elements that reveal a reader’s emotional and rational response. V. Sukhomlynsky’s epistolary heritage deserves much attention as the basis of forming communicative competence while the school education is modernized and improved. The communicative practice that was methodologically proved and much spoken about by the methodologist must be used in all the components of the lesson – theoretical, practical and methodical ones, because it ensures the development of rhetorical communicative skills and practical mastering the art of a word on the basis of linguistic and speech skills and habits.

Authors and Affiliations

N. V. Grona


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How To Cite

N. V. Grona (2017). Formation of Primary School Pupils' Abilities to Persuade and to Argue in the Context of Vasyl Sukhomlynsky’s Ideas (the Epistolary Text Example).. Вісник Житомирського державного університету імені Івана Франка, 91(5), 42-46.