Формування української юридичної еліти: понятійний і методологічний виміри
Journal Title: Форум права - Year 2018, Vol 49, Issue 1
широкому соціальному контексті розглядається проблема формування української юридичної еліти. Поняття «еліта» осмислюється з урахуванням складних політико-правових і соціально-психологічних реалій сучасної України. Пропонується авторське бачення сутності елітарності в царині юриспруденції. Наголошується визначальна роль духовно-психологічного чинника в процесі формування еліти, якої потребує українське суспільство. Перспективи формування української юридичної еліти розглядаються з позицій синергетичної парадигми. The article is dedicated to the problem of the formation of the legal elite in Ukraine. Successful solution of this problem is an important condition for the positive transformation of the Ukrainian legal system. According to the author, such transformation is significantly hampered by the declarative nature of the reform activity of the Ukrainian authority and lack of political willingness to make real changes. The purpose of this article is to determine the criteria of elitism in the Ukrainian social context. Also, an important goal of the article in the search of social sources and mechanism of the formation of a new Ukrainian elite. The concept of «elite» is interpreted by the author with consideration of the main contradictions of social being of Ukrainians. Such contradictions are 1) deep distrust of the majority of Ukrainians to the government; 2) inability to create elite by pass the social experience as it consists of corruption and another social disease. In the diverse spectrum of the theories of elites created by famous scholars, the author of the article emphasizes the potential productivity for the Ukrainian society of the idea of the variability of elites and the idea of a plurality of elites. The potential of these ideas is necessary to overcome the oligarchic-clan nature of the Ukrainian social elite. This article represents the author's vision of the essence of elitism in the field of jurisprudence. Also, the author noticed how important is the role of spiritual and psychological factors in elite formation. The author believes that the main criteria for belonging to the elite are the ability of the individual to self-awareness, self-creation, self-purification (overcoming dependence from the old system). Perspectives for the formation of the Ukrainian legal elite are considered from the standpoint of the synergetic paradigm. According to the author of the article, such an approach involves a change of view on the problem of forming a national elite from a state-centered to person-centric one. Key features of the self-organization process of society and creation of new elite are spontaneity, non-linearity, constructive passivity. The author believes that the development of self-reflection (self-knowledge) of participants in social relations is very important. Such attribute is essential in order to solve the problem of the formation of a new elite in the theoretical and practical aspects.
Authors and Affiliations
С. О. Гладкий
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