Застосування норм Орхуської конвенції адміністративними судами України
Journal Title: Форум права - Year 2018, Vol 51, Issue 3
Проаналізовано існуючий на сьогодні масив справ, де так чи інакше було застосовано дану конвенцію, а також справи, де суд не застосовував її норми, однак вона використовувалась при обґрунтуванні правової позиції сторони у справі. Виокремлено низку контекстів, в яких застосовується Орхуська конвенція (інформаційний контекст, контекст належності позивача, освітній контекст). Акцентовано увагу на невизначеності можливості застосування Орхуської конвенції в земельних спорах. Прослідковано окремі тенденції, що мають негативний характер (зокрема, звужувального тлума-чення окремих норм Орхуської конвенції). Акцентовано, що проблемні питання мали місце не лише у вітчизняній судовій та адміністративній практиці, а й в практиці держав-членів ЄС та низки інших країн-учасниць конвенції. Проанализирован существующий на сегодня массив дел, где так или иначе была применена данная конвенция, а также дела, где суд не применял ее нормы, однако она использовалась при обосновании правовой позиции стороны по делу. Выделены ряд контекстов, в которых применяется Орхусская конвенция (информационный контекст, контекст принадлежности истца, образовательный контекст). Акцентировано внимание на неопределенности возможности применения Орхусской конвенции в земельных спорах. Прослежены отдельные тенденции, имеющие негативный характер (в частности, сужающего толкования отдельных норм Орхусской конвенции). Акцентировано, что проблемные вопросы имели место не только в отечественной судебной и административной практике, но и в практике государств-членов ЕС и ряда других стран-участниц конвенции. Despite numerous criticisms of scholars and practitioners concerning the norms of the Aarhus Convention are hardly applica-ble in Ukraine or the level of their implementation is quite low, the data of the Unified State Register of Judicial Decisions of Ukraine shows that some practice of application the norms of this convention has developed and continue to form. There is a need to analyze the court decisions in order to elucidate the features of the application of the Aarhus Convention's norms, which is the purpose of this publication. The assignment of the publication is to identify the contexts in which the said conven-tion applies, to identify certain trends in the application of its norms, to highlight controversial issues in its application. The main method used in the study is the method of content-analysis of court decisions. The current array of cases, where one or another of these conventions was applied, has been analyzed. It is also analyzed cases where the court did not apply its norms, but it was used in substantiating the legal position of the party in the case. As a result of the analysis, a number of con-texts in which the Aarhus Convention (informational context, applicant's affiliation context, educational context) is used. The emphasis is placed on the uncertainty of the possibility of applying the Aarhus Convention in land disputes. Some tendencies, which have a negative character (in particular, narrowing the interpretation of certain norms of the Aarhus Convention) are observed. The emphasis was placed on the fact that the problematic issues related to the incorrect application of the norms of the Aarhus Convention took place not only in domestic judicial and administrative practice but also in the practice of the EU member states and a number of other countries-parties to the convention. This is explained by some novelty of the approach-es introduced by the convention. It is concluded that the domestic practice of the application of the Aarhus Convention is characterized by completely different poles, from the failure to recognize that the conclusions of the environmental expertise could contain environmental information, to the interpretation of information on the provision, withdrawal (redemption) of land as an environmental information with the dissemination of the norms of the Aarhus Convention. It is emphasized that uncer-tainty arises about the possibility of applying the norms of the Aarhus Convention in land disputes. In our opinion, this possibility should directly depend on the coincidence, or at least the consistency of purpose and the purpose of the specific law and the purpose of the Aarhus Convention, the norms of which justify the protection of this right. In the event of their non-consistency, the application of the said Convention to justify the protection of the right is possible. It is emphasized that in a number of decisions one can observe the tendency to erroneous narrowing interpretation of the rule of law in law enforcement (in particular, regarding sources of environmental information). This, in turn, can lead to violations of the rights referred to in these regulatory acts, in particular, the right to environmental information and access to justice in environmental matters.
Authors and Affiliations
М. І. Тарнавська
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