Фотосинтетична діяльність посівів гібридів кукурудзи різних груп стиглості в умовах зрошення


To obtain high yields of the maize hybrids under investigation, it is necessary to form the optimal area of the leaf surface to provide an adequate amount of dry matter, which is the most important condition for obtaining stable corn grain yields of high quality. For growth and development, the plant organism requires extreme temperature, light and other conditions. Important growth manifestations of plants are their growth processes associated with quantitative changes. When growing corn plants, it is necessary to take into account their adaptive properties, i.e. sensitivity to growing conditions. The intensity of the growth processes of maize plants, as is known, depends on the group of ripeness of hybrids and varieties. These processes are also affected by weather conditions during the growing season and elements of agrotechnology. Therefore, the purpose of our studies was to study the influence of the timing of planting and the density of standing on the photosynthetic activity of crops of maize hybrids of various ripeness groups under conditions of irrigation of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. It was established that the highest indices of pure photosynthesis productivity in all phases of development and the timing of crop hybrids sowing – 5.38–14.18 g/m2 per day were with the use of 70 thousand plant/ha densities. The maximum value of the indicator of the photosynthetic potential was fixed at sowing in the third decade of April, 12–13 flowering leaves in the interphase period – 1189–1686 thousand m2/ha. The ripeness group of the hybrid influenced the formation of the photosynthetic potential. The highest values of the indicator were established during all the sowing periods of the mid-season of the Kahovski Hoghbroide, which were in the period of 12–13 leaves–flowering of the rockers in the range of 1375–1686 thousand m2/ha.

Authors and Affiliations

Р. А. Вожегова, А. М. Влащук, Л. В. Шапарь, О. С. Дробіт


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  • EP ID EP525446
  • DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-1-70-80
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How To Cite

Р. А. Вожегова, А. М. Влащук, Л. В. Шапарь, О. С. Дробіт (2018). Фотосинтетична діяльність посівів гібридів кукурудзи різних груп стиглості в умовах зрошення. Збірник наукових праць Уманського національного університету садівництва, 1(93), 70-80. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-525446