Особливості створення лісових культур дуба звичайного в умовах лісового урочища «Білогрудівка» НВВ Уманського НУС
Journal Title: Збірник наукових праць Уманського національного університету садівництва - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 93
Increasing the productivity of forest plantations - is the main problem which foresters are engaged in over the past decades. Especially acutely this issue is in poorly wooded areas, where the forest is very important. Forest plantations provide the national economy not only with wood, food products and medicinal raw materials, but also perform water-regulating, soil protection and sanitary-hygienic functions in densely populated areas. The task of foresters is fuller using of forest resources and the land of the state forest fund, to increase the productivity of forest plantations and qualitative composition of forests. In solving these problems a special place belongs to artificial cultivation of forests, which allows to create highly productive plantations the desired species composition and the appropriate target destination, reducing the reforestation period, to use environmental and protective properties of afforestation. At the same time it should be noted that artificial forest cultivation is a long process which lasts for decades and mistakes made during the sowing or planting of the forest may not appear immediately and it will be difficult to fix them further. The urgency of the problem is due to the need to increase the forestness of the research area and to improve the quality of the environment by forest-cultivated methods. The main problem of the creation of forest crops of ordinary oak on the cut down forest area is the optimal width between rows. Besides, analyzing the experience of creating forest crops of ordinary oak in the tract «Belogrudivka» in the past years, two significant shortcomings which have a very negative effect on the condition and quality of forest crops were identified. This is the use of the inter-raw of forest crops for growing potatoes by local populations. It is characteristically that a similar "experience" and is widely used in production and now and even offered for use not only in the production but also recommended to students by some teachers of educational institutions. The second disadvantage is the planting of forest crops immediately after the end of the continuous felling. The authors suggest ways to eliminate these problems and disadvantages.
Authors and Affiliations
В. В. Поліщук, І. В. Козаченко, В. П. Шпак
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