Продуктивність рослин сортозразків пшениці твердої ярої за різних норм висіву


Investigations of the productivity of plants of hard spring wheat varieties samples at different rates of sowing make it possible to determine its optimal parameters for each breeding number. Increasing the seeding rate from 5 to 6 million/ha provided a decrease of the length of the ear by 0.5–1.2 cm. Reduction of the seeding rate to 4 and 3 million/ha, on the contrary, for all varieties samples and Chado variety, caused elongation of the ear by 0.3–0.6 and 0.8–0.9 cm. The difference between the length of the ear of breeding numbers grown at a seeding rate of 4 and 3 million/ha was 0.1–0.2 cm during two years of research. The yield of grain crops is directly dependent on the number of spikelets in the ear. The increase of the seeding rate to 6 million ha was accompanied by a decrease of the number of spikelets in the spike of the Chado variety by 0.7 pieces, and the investigated variety samples by 0.9-1.2 spikelet. It was also natural to increase this indicator with a decrease of the sowing rate to 4 (by 0.3–0.9 pcs) and 3 million/ha (by 0.4–1.1 pcs). The Chado variety had a decrease in yields both with an increase ofn the seeding rate to 6 million/ha, and with a decrease to 4 and 3 million/ha. The reaction of the investigated variety samples to the seeding rates was different. For Novatsiya and 189/17, this indicator was the highest at a sowing rate of 5 million/ha – 9.09 and 8.38 tons/ha, respectively. With a seeding rate of 6 million/ha, the yield of these breeding numbers was reduced by 15–25 %, with 4 and 3 million/ha, respectively, by 12; 14 and 48; 27 %. The highest yield of Ertol varieties sample was at a seeding rate of 4 million / ha, exceeding the control indicator by 10 %. The effect of the genotype on productivity was 0.35 і 0.31, and the seeding rate was 0.45 і 0.46, that is, the yield was more influenced by the seed rate than the genotype. Thousand-kernel weight Chado variety’s decreased by an average of 3 % with an increase of the seeding rate to 6 million/ha. The decrease of the seeding rate to 4 and 3 million/ha caused an increase in the feeding area of an individual plant, as a result of which the analyzed indicator increased by 1 %, which was not significant. Tthousand-kernel weight of varieties samples Ertol, Novatsiya and 189/17 changed in the same way: at a seeding rate of 6 million/ha, it was inferior to the control indicators by 10; 3 and 2 %. Reducing the seeding rate to 4 and 3 million/ha led to increase it for the selection numbers of Ertol by 7 and 11 %, Novatsiya and 189/17 – to 2 %. However, only for the Ertol varieties sample was significant difference between thousand-kernel weight of different variants and the control. The force of influence of the genotype for the weight of 1000 grains in 2016 was 0.28, in the next – 0.35, while the seeding rates were 0.20 and 0.21, respectively. That is, the mass of 1000 grains was largely determined by the genotype, than by the seeding rate.

Authors and Affiliations

Жанна Новак


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  • EP ID EP525485
  • DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-1-145-157
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How To Cite

Жанна Новак (2018). Продуктивність рослин сортозразків пшениці твердої ярої за різних норм висіву. Збірник наукових праць Уманського національного університету садівництва, 1(93), 145-157. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-525485