
Соціально-філософський аналіз, представлений у даному дослідженні, виходить із визнання того факту, що культура здатна змінити суспільство із середини, оскільки саме культура забезпечує якісні перетворення соціальної реальності. І від поставки проблеми значущості культурного капіталу залежить вироблення демократичного проекту спільності,що не можливе без перетворення монополістичної культури вироблення, споживання та розподілу соціальних благ, утвердженої радянським проектомсоціальної інженерії, на державне управління сферою культури,що зорієнтоване на підтримку соціального розмаїття. It's not possible to change the social reality without changing the vision of social reality. One of the reasons of the socio-political crisis of modern Ukrainian society is the axiological outburst, which comes from the “heritage” of the Soviet experience of social engineering. According to it, culture is a superstructure of the system of transformation of the surrounding world into an environment of human existence. Therefore, every society should be considered as a system of production, consumption and distribution of material and spiritual goods. In such a perspective, human existence turns into a standard in the planning of processes of production, consumption and distribution of material and spiritual goods. In such a perspective, human existence turns into a standard while planning the processes of production, consumption and distribution of material and spiritual goods. After all, human resources and human capital lay the foundation of all social processes, and social reality is a way of organizing their use. In this sense, culture appears to be a form of spiritual production of spiritual goods, consumption and distribution of immaterial values. The opposition of the spiritual and material-physical dimensions of the existence, of mass and elite (i.e., selective, better) consumption of spiritual goods, oriented to harmonize the satisfaction of the social and individual needs of the distribution of material and immaterial values, constitute the characteristic features of the axial deficiency of the resource vision of social reality. The cultural capital hasn’t had and, unfortunately, it has no independent significance in Ukraine, not only because it is viewed through the prism of the distribution of financial resources, but also because funding from the state and local budgets in the cultural sphere for expenses and support for the management of the cultural sphere is not sufficient. It should be remembered that culture changes the society from inside, because culture can provide qualitative transformations. Therefore, if we raise the issue of the importance of cultural capital, then, in our opinion, the development of a democratic project of a community is impossible without transforming the monopolistic culture of consumption and distribution of social goods, which has been established in Ukraine from the Soviet community project, into culture of support and promotion of social diversity.

Authors and Affiliations

Stepan Yankovskij


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Stepan Yankovskij (2017). ФУНКЦІЯ КУЛЬУТРНОГО КАПІТАЛУ В СУСПІЛЬСТВАХ НЕСТІЙКОГО РОЗВИТКУ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія, 7(14), 25-31. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-434340