A person who learns a foreign language should get acquainted with associations of the studied words since they belong to the (passive or active) lexicon of the representatives of the culture of the studied language. Word...
In this text the connections between the group identity and its language are described. The identity is here understood as self-determination of group members, their common history, religion, language, sense of integrity...
Lexicology may be one of the most impotant measures of linguistic analysis of advertising. On the basis of the analysis of texts of modern Russian cosmetic products adertising, the author conludes that the language of ad...
Słownik asocjacyjny jako narzędzie przygotowania komentarza lingwokulturologicznego
A person who learns a foreign language should get acquainted with associations of the studied words since they belong to the (passive or active) lexicon of the representatives of the culture of the studied language. Word...
Język mniejszości jako czynnik zachowania tożsamości grupowej na przykładzie polskich staroobrzędowców w regionie suwalsko-augustowskim
In this text the connections between the group identity and its language are described. The identity is here understood as self-determination of group members, their common history, religion, language, sense of integrity...
Пераклічкі і рэмінісцэнцыі
К вопросу об оценочном языке современной русской рекламы. На материале текстов рекламы косметических изделий
Lexicology may be one of the most impotant measures of linguistic analysis of advertising. On the basis of the analysis of texts of modern Russian cosmetic products adertising, the author conludes that the language of ad...
Польско-русский диалог по проблемам балто-славянскиx языковых отношений