Impactofanterior chamber intraocular lens on vision and refractive status in eyes undergoing small incision cataract surgery

Journal Title: Medpulse International Journal of Ophthalmology - Year 2019, Vol 9, Issue 1


Background:Withrecentadvancesinscienceandtechnologyincataract surgery,theimplantationofanintracapsularintraocularlens(IOL)remainsthe bestresultfollowingcataractsurgery.An Anterior Chamber Intra Ocular Lens(ACIOL)asthefirstchoiceforimplantationisless.However, certainclinicalcircumstances volunteeritsneeds.PreoperativefindingsorintraoperativeeventswhichdonotallowtheuseofPosteriorChamberIntra OcularLens(PCIOL)eitherinthebagorinthesulcus,necessitatetheuseofACIOLstopreventaphakia.Althoughwe haveamyriadofoptions,theuseofACIOLscomesinhandy.Thereasonsbeing` itsrelativelylowcostandfeasibilityof implantationinthesamesitting.Inourhospitalbasedprospectivestudyof95eyes,wediscusstheimpactonvision andrefractivestatus.Context:Aims:ToevaluatetheimpactofAnteriorChamberIntraocular Lens(ACIOLs)onvisionandrefractivestatus in eyes undergoing Small Incision Cataract SurgerySettingsandDesign:Prospective,crosssectionalObservationaldescriptivehospitalbased studyMethodsandMaterial: Studywasconductedfrom2015 – 2018. ACIOLswereimplantedin95eyes undergoingeventfulSmallIncisionCataractSurgery(SICS)duetolackofadequateposteriorcapsularsupport,orhavingzonulardehiscencemorethan180degrees.Theseeyesare assessedpostoperativelyforvision,andrefractivestatusat6 weeks.The power of cylinders andspheresusedarecalculatedforeacheye.Statisticalanalysisused: SSPSDescriptivestatisticsResults:Outof95 eyes of 95 patients,44(46.3%)werefemales,and51(53.7%) weremales.Maximumnumberoffemalesthatbelongedtoage groupofmorethan60yearswere20 (21.05%).Maximumnumberofmalesthatbelongedtoagegroupofmorethan60 yearswere30 (31.57%).Out of 95 eyes, 52 (54.7%) were right (OD), 43 (45.3%) were left (OS). (98.95 %) 94eyesofeyeseitherreceivedasphere,oracylinder,orboth.Among all eyesonly 1 eyedidnotreceiveany correction. 14 (14.74%) eyes received only spherical correction. Only cylinder was prescribed to 20 (21.05%) patients. 60 (63.16%) patients received both for glass prescription.It was observed that the median values of postoperativeSpherewas -1.0 dioptre and cylinder-0.75 at 90 degrees with median vision of 6/12 in 52 eyes, and 6/9 in 43 eyes.45 out of 74 (60.8%) eyeshadpostoperative visionintherange6/6to6/18,receivingcorrectionintherangeof-1.5to +1.5dioptresphere.45 out of 80 (56.25%) eyes were prescribed cylinder in the range of -1 to + 1 dioptres with vision in the range of 6/6 to 6/18.Conclusions: Eventhoughthechoiceofprocedureincataract surgeryisanECCEwithaPCIOLimplant,ananteriorchamber lensimplantationhasitsownindicationsinmodernIOLsurgery

Authors and Affiliations

Vatsala Vats, Rupali Tyagi, Manisha Gupta, Monika Jain, Shantanu Aggarwal


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  • DOI 10.26611/1009914
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How To Cite

Vatsala Vats, Rupali Tyagi, Manisha Gupta, Monika Jain, Shantanu Aggarwal (2019). Impactofanterior chamber intraocular lens on vision and refractive status in eyes undergoing small incision cataract surgery. Medpulse International Journal of Ophthalmology, 9(1), 14-17.