Indications, contraindications and a risk related to irreversible electroporation (IRE) of pancreatic cancer – report of three cases and review of the literature
Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2015, Vol 28, Issue 5
The purpose of the paper is the analysis of indications, contraindications and complications of irreversible electroporation (IRE) of locally advanced pancreatic cancer.Report of three cases is presented where IRE was performed in three different types of indications.In the first case IRE was applied during laparotomy in stage IV pancreatic cancer (T4N0M1). Immediate resolution of severe abdominal pain was observed. Significant tumor volume reduction is present after 6 months observation. Simultaneously liver metastasis was successfully ablated using MWA 2.45 GHz.In the second case IRE was performed in locally advanced PCa stage IV (liver, lymph nodes and peritoneal metastases) due to reduct severe abdominal pain, uncontrolled even with the use of extradural anesthesia with catheter place at the level of Th8. Huge cytoreduction was received with no local complications, but without reduction of pain. Patients has survived 4 months more.In the third case IRE was performer in stage III of PCa, just after the fourth cycle of gemcytabine treatment. At the begining serum level of Ca19-9 was 11 000 U/ml, after three cycles of chemotherapy 1700 U/ml, and after IRE the Ca19-9 concentration was 150 U/ml.Indications for IRE proposed in the literature and limited to stage III of localle advanced PCa should be changed.
Authors and Affiliations
Michał Studniarek, Marek Durlik, Jerzy Siekiera, Katarzyna Gwoździewicz, Joanna Pieńkowska, Tomasz Gorycki, Stanisław Hać
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