Industry Sector as a Determinant of Prosumer Activity


The paper aims to analyze prosumer activity in and across industry sectors, thus investigating its dependence on the line of business. The paper consists of three parts. The first part introduces the concept of prosumption and gives an overview of the Polish Classification of Business Activity that was used as a reference framework for the study. Part two identifies the research objective and describes the methodology applied, along with a breakdown into research tasks. The input data was collected through a questionnaire survey involving a sizeable sample of Polish prosumers. The third part delivers the research findings, indicating the level of prosumer activity in specific industries. The key statistics showed that prosumers are the most active in the following economy sectors: food industry, apparel and footwear, chemicals, and cosmetics. In conclusion, the paper provides recommendations for businesses concerning prosumer engagement and discusses implications and paths for further research.

Authors and Affiliations

Monika Eisenbardt


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How To Cite

Monika Eisenbardt (2015). Industry Sector as a Determinant of Prosumer Activity. Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Zamiejscowego w Chorzowie Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej w Poznaniu, 17(), 145-162.