Innovation for food safety


Safe food production and establishing food security are tasks which all actors in the food chain are actively involved in and can only be met if the participants are willing to constantly adopt to ever more varied and stringent requirements. The study, using examples from Hungary, reveals that agricultural food companies can create and apply solutions through imitation, adaptive innovation and by responding, in realtime, to market situations, thus leading to resource efficiency and competitiveness. To attain the aforementioned, all the presented case study reports require the acquisition of information, an open-minded approach and sound managerial skills. Primarily, there is a need for cooperation among the food chain participants, especially from the side of small and medium farms.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Katalin Takács-György


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How To Cite

Katalin Takács-György (2016). Innovation for food safety. Roczniki Naukowe Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu, 18(3), 347-351.