Institutional Units Reflected into the Accounts

Journal Title: Revista Romana de Statistica - Year 2012, Vol 60, Issue 1


The supply and use table is a valuable framework to collect and arrange the facts regarding the production and consumption activities, including the characterization of goods and services subjected to trade. As data are collected, the calculation of product share weights allows the determination of the price index.

Authors and Affiliations

Gabriela Victoria ANGHELACHE, Constantin ANGHELACHE, Mihai GHEORGHE, Radu Titus MARINESCU, Valentin BICHIR


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How To Cite

Gabriela Victoria ANGHELACHE, Constantin ANGHELACHE, Mihai GHEORGHE, Radu Titus MARINESCU, Valentin BICHIR (2012). Institutional Units Reflected into the Accounts. Revista Romana de Statistica, 60(1), 57-64.