International Sports Science Conference „Scientific Management of High Performance” (25-26. February 2005)
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2005, Vol 15, Issue 30
In Vilnius, Lithuania, on 25-26 of February 2005 the 8 th International Sports Science Conference „Scientific Management of High Performance Athletes’ Training” took place. During those two days everbody had the opportunityto hear 6 papers at the plenary meeting, 62 reports at the 5 section meetings and 22 scientific reports at the billboards session. Over 60 authors from 9 countries: Armenia, Belarus, Israel, Finland, Spain, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and Ukreine presented their works. The effort of organizing this prestigious conference was undertaken traditionally by members of the Lithuanian Department of the Physical Culture and Sport, University of Pedagogics in Vilnus, Lithuanian Olympic Committee, Lithuanian Centre of the Sport Information. In this report the short information about the conference were presented.
Authors and Affiliations
Jan Jaszczanin, Edward Mleczko, Povilas Karoblis
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