Interpretation of A.Shütz’s ideas within research of the situation of homecoming soldier in modern Ukraine
Journal Title: Соціологія: теорія, методи, маркетинг - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue
The article is devoted to revealing peculiarities of studying the problem of homecoming soldier in modern Ukraine. The subject of the research reflection is conducting and interpretation of interviews with soldiers who returned after demobilization from the ATO zone. The research is carried out at the intersection of the sociology of everyday life and the sociology of conflict at the level of theory, on the one hand, and at the intersection of the biographical method and the author’s linguo-conflictological method (the identification of potential conflict and various images of conflict through text, discourse) at the level of methods of qualitative sociological research, on the other hand. In the center of author’s attention is A.Schütz’s work “The Homecomer” and two contrast cases, which are reconstructed on the basis of the received empirical material — interviews with soldiers returning home. The main directions of the rethinking of the ideas of A.Schütz’s everyday life sociology are revealed, firstly, on the ground of characteristics of modern society connected with the influence of information technologies and development of means of communication on everyday practices; secondly, on the ground of the Ukrainian context, mainly the presence of various images of the current conflict; thirdly, on the ground of developments in the sphere of qualitative methods in sociology, which enable synthesis of various tactics of qualitative research with developments in the field of conflict sociology.
Authors and Affiliations
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