Invariable Content Components of Communication Competence Formation
Journal Title: International Journal of Education and Science - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 3
Background: Developed scope of inter-connected elements of the pedagogic system (goal, pedagogic principles, content, methods, forms) affects directly the efficiency of communication competence formation (CCF). The content is one of the main elements of the pedagogic system which presupposes the formed system of a personality’s knowledge, skills ad habits. It is elaborated according to the pedagogic goal and principles, determines the choice of the appropriate methods and forms of the educational activity. Methods: We consider the philosophical notion of “experience” as the solid grounds for outlining the invariable components of communication. This presumption is based on the fact that formation of professional and personal qualities infers acquiring certain experience. Our research is based on the structure of social experience (I. Lerner) which encompasses knowledge as an object of cognition, experience of realising activity as well as emotional and value attitudes to people and the surrounding world. Thus the notion “experience” involves cognitive, psycho-emotional and behavioural personality spheres. Besides, we have elaborated the content components in accordance with the communication structure that presents interrelated aspects, i.e. perception, information and interaction. Results: On the basis of the outlined directions we have outlined 1) value and motivational, 2) conceptual and gnosilogical, 3) communication and behavioural invariable content components of CCF. Value and motivational component presupposes getting students' interest in acquiring communication competence, formation of value-based bearings (tolerance, urge for eliminating conflicts, focus on collaboration with partners and enlarging communication contacts). It is characterised by strong motivation, sense of purpose and determination, willingness to value professional orientation. Conceptual and gnosiological component accumulates theoretical knowledge acquired by students in the process of studying philosophical, socio-cultural, psychological, linguistic and other aspects of communication. Thus, the philosophical aspect reveals the objective processes happening in the world, basics of dialogue philosophy, principles of interaction on the interpersonal and international levels. Empathy and tolerance grounded on acknowledging the equality of all cultural and social layers allow avoiding misunderstandings. The socio-cultural aspect emphasises the necessity to observe social norms of business etiquette in cross-cultural settings and mind national peculiarities, which results in realising cultural values, improving and developing inner potential and acquiring the ability for self-reflexion. The psychological aspect studies personal perception of information and possible emotional reactions, basics of effective listening and constructive critics. It allows a personality to release themselves from stereotyping and generalising, to get accustomed to tolerant attitudes as for cultural differences and psychological peculiarities. The linguistic aspect considers texts as cultural phenomena, importance of speech flexibility, mastering verbal and non-verbal codes of communication. Sensitivity level to certain topics, political correctness as well as background knowledge streamline smooth interaction. Practical application of the acquired knowledge, skills and habits in various standard and non-standard professional situations is implied through communication and behavioural component. Its content includes a set of tasks to develop elocution, speech culture, formation of monologue and dialogue speech, analysis of personal and others' interaction experience. Conclusions: So the peculiarities of CCF are exposed on the level of each component: value and motivational, conceptual and gnosilogical, communication and behavioural. The acquired skills and habits of the value and motivational component give grounds to form the necessary professional and personal qualities of specialists. The conceptual and gnosilogical component orientates future specialists at multi-aspect studying of the object. Communication and behavioural component gives realisation to acquiring practical communication experience. Content components determine the optimal nature of the pedagogic system and influence its other elements.
Authors and Affiliations
Olena Oleksenko
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