Іван Андрішко – іконописець з Боржавської долини (штрих до життєвого і творчого портрета)
Journal Title: Наукові записки Богословсько-історичного науково-дослідного центру імені архімандрита Василія (Проніна) - Year 2018, Vol 5, Issue
This article shows life and creative way of the icon painter Ivan Andrishko. Teaching at the icon painter Mykhailo Potapov, work on Donbas buildings post – war time and studying at Art institute. Get appropriate education he has devoted all his life for icon painting. His paintings include 16 iconstases and almost 40 churches of his native land. And also he left more than hundreds of icons, dozens of religious ones and ethnographic articles.
Authors and Affiliations
Андрій Світлинець
Іван Андрішко – іконописець з Боржавської долини (штрих до життєвого і творчого портрета)
This article shows life and creative way of the icon painter Ivan Andrishko. Teaching at the icon painter Mykhailo Potapov, work on Donbas buildings post – war time and studying at Art institute. Get appropriate educatio...
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