Jean de Maisonneuve, l’albertisme tardif et deux commentaires à la „Métaphysique”
Journal Title: Przegląd Tomistyczny - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue
This paper reassesses the initial reception of Albert the Great’s philosophical thought in the 15th century by analysing John of Nova Domo’s Commentary on the Metaphysics. It raises serious doubts about the authenticity of this text, accepted without question by previous scholars, edits some fragments of it and compares with a similar text preserved in a different manuscript. It proves that this Commentary is transmitted in a unique manuscript and that it shares only a few common features with other authentic works by John of Nova Domo
Authors and Affiliations
Dragos Calma
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Sprawozdanie z tomistycznej sesji filozoficznej „Intelligence and Will in Thomas Aquinas” (Inteligencja i wola u św. Tomasza) w Pampelunie (Hiszpania) w dniach 26–27 kwietnia 2018
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