Kilka uwag o wymienności dopełniacza i biernika w języku polskim i słoweńskim
Journal Title: Rozprawy Komisji Językowej Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue
The topic of the paper is interchangeability of genitive and accusative in Polish and Slovenian languages. The inspiration for the paper have its origin in observations of current linguistic behaviours of contemporary Poles and Slovenes. Reflections on the subject are limited to selected morphological (the declension of singular nouns) and syntactic phenomenon in both of considered Slavic languages. The focus in the paper is mostly on syncretism of genitive and accusative suffixes in masculine-animate gender and appearing more and more often deviations from standard use of genitive in negations. Analysis of tendencies of non-standard usage of these two cases in Polish and Slovenian is preceded with short characteristic of genitive and accusative in both languages.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Stefan
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