Knowledge sharing in Polish companies – outlining the key  

Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2013, Vol 11, Issue 1


An increasing number of projects managed by companies, necessitates the growth in importance of project knowledge sharing. An outline of the main issues connected with that topic is discussed in this article. The results of the questionnaire-based research conducted, revealed that there is a significant gap between expectations and reality in Polish companies, according to the systemic approach to project knowledge sharing. It is noticeable that in the majority of surveyed companies, there is no systemic approach to knowledge gathering and distribution. The workers are not motivated to share the knowledge regarding projects, and the organizational culture, in a significant number of cases, cause the withholding of information by those in its possession. The informal processes which appear due to the absence of a systemic approach related to the flows of information are analyzed as well. The intensity of the influence of factors like: interpersonal relationships and knowledge reciprocation are discussed in relation to those processes. Based on the sector analysis, some differences in the results were noticed. However, due to the limited number of samples in some branches, some follow up in-depth sector research is proposed. 

Authors and Affiliations

Seweryn Spałek


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How To Cite

Seweryn Spałek (2013). Knowledge sharing in Polish companies – outlining the key  . Zarządzanie i Finanse, 11(1), 306-314.