Komentarz do bibliografii przekładów literatury słowackiej w Polsce w 2015 roku
Journal Title: Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich - Year 2016, Vol 7, Issue 2
The author of the article considers the latest translations of Slovak literature in Poland in 2015. Among very well‑known and valued Slovak authors whose translations have been published recently are contemporary and modern authors of the younger generation (Pavol Rankov, Peter Krištúfek, Maroš Krajňak, Jana Beňová) and the older generation (Pavel Vilikovský, Daniela Kapitáňová). Their books were very well received by Polish recipients and it occurs that Slovak literature in Poland is read with steadily growing interest. The article concerns the Polish translations of Slovak poetry as well. The survey shows a decreasing number of translations of this kind of literature.
Authors and Affiliations
Marta Buczek
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