Language Communicative Competence in the System of Postgraduate Education

Journal Title: Edukacja - Technika - Informatyka - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 8


Postgraduate education in Ukraine is a specialized improvement of education and professional training of a person through deepening, expansion and renovation his professional knowledge, skills and abilities or getting another specialty based on previously acquired educational qualification and practical experience. Postgraduate education is carried out by higher educational establishment or by structural subdivisions of higher educational establishment with appropriate accreditation level in the form of training programs or internship. This article devoted to the formal expansion of skills within the resulting profile or retraining. Formation and polishing of the person’s individual style of business communication occurs throughout adult life. Language communicative competence is complex education system, which requires constant improvement. Speaking more than one language involves the formation of a foreign language communicative competence. This problem requires a review of government and universities policy on planning and forming of language communicative competence among students of advanced training courses.

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  • EP ID EP230097
  • DOI 10.15584/eti.2017.2.14
  • Views 76
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How To Cite

SVITLANA TOLOCHKO, VIKTORIIA KHOMYCH, RUSLANA DEDA (2017). Language Communicative Competence in the System of Postgraduate Education. Edukacja - Technika - Informatyka, 2(8), 118-125.