Long-term effects of skeletal openbite treatment with miniimplants – preliminary reports
Journal Title: Forum Ortodontyczne - Year 2014, Vol 10, Issue 1
[b]Aim. [/b]The aim of this paper is to present results of treatment of patients with skeletal openbite by intrusion of the upper molars using mini-implants, and to assess the stability of the results within 1 and 3 years after debonding. [b]Materials.[/b] This study describes3 patients with skeletal open bite , treated with fixed appliances using skeletal anchorage. Methods. The open bite was treated by intrusion of the upper molars with the use of miniscrews placed at the vestibular site in the area of the upper posterior teeth. After the orthodontic treatment was completed, the patients were called for control visits 1 and 3 years later and cephalometric parameters were compared. Among others, the size of intrusion of upper molars (U6-PP), the change of overbite (OB) and ML-NSL, ML-NL, ANB angles after the treatment and during retention were assessed. [b]Results. [/b]In the course of the treatment overbite increased and ML-NSL and ANB angles were reduced. After 1 and 3 years of retention intrusion of the upper molars was stable, however, the overbite in 1 patient remained stable, but in 2 other patients decreased during retention. [b]Conclusions.[/b] The stability of open bite treatment effects is one of the biggest challenges for orthodontists. Functional muscle adaptation and tongue function seem to significantly affect the stability of treatment results. Effective retention during the first year can help to avoid relapse and to ensure long-term treatment stability. (Chrapla K, Becker K, Kraus A, Hędrzak-Nolka K. Long-term effects of skeletal openbite treatment with mini-implants – preliminary reports. Orthod Forum 2014; 1: 54-74). Received 4.11.2013 Accepted 17.02.2014
Authors and Affiliations
Karolina Chrapla, Katarzyna Becker, Agnieszka Kraus
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