Mathematical model of value-oriented portfolio management of high-tech enterprises projects

Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 140


The necessity of optimization of the mathematical apparatus for the formation of project portfolios of science-based enter- prises based on the value-oriented approach is considered. The mathematical model of value-oriented management of project portfo- lios of the science-based enterprise is developed on the basis of the improved information model of project portfolio formation and the economic-mathematical model integrated into it. There have been introduced an additional indicator of innovative value in port- folio projects and a restriction on the allowable aggregate risk of project portfolios, which leads to the selection of the portfolio with the highest integral value.

Authors and Affiliations

O. Yu. Savina


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How To Cite

O. Yu. Savina (2017). Mathematical model of value-oriented portfolio management of high-tech enterprises projects. Science and Education a New Dimension, 0(140), 36-39.