Measurements of selected greenhouse gases exhalation by using the closed-chamber technique and calculation of hour expiration with regard to CO2 emissions
Journal Title: Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica - Year 2015, Vol 14, Issue
The article presents the use of a closed-chamber method used for measuring the size of exhalation gases from the soil. The paper presents the assumptions of the method, the measuring kit and information regarding the conversion of the gas concentration in the measuring chamber into the amount of gases emitted from the soil. The authors presented a way of converting concentration of emission gases (for example CO2) in [ppm] units into the exhalation values [mg (CO2) × m–2 × h–1], which are more convenient for comparing the results of environmental tests. The work also includes guidelines for conducting the field measurements and allows one to estimate the size of the exchange of gases between soil and atmosphere.
Authors and Affiliations
Wojciech Tołoczko, Arkadiusz Niewiadomski
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Measurements of selected greenhouse gases exhalation by using the closed-chamber technique and calculation of hour expiration with regard to CO2 emissions
The article presents the use of a closed-chamber method used for measuring the size of exhalation gases from the soil. The paper presents the assumptions of the method, the measuring kit and information regarding the con...
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