Methodology of Language Contact Studies and Their Result – Lexical Borrowings


The article is devoted to the study of those sociolinguistic processes, which became the main factors of the lexical borrowings appearance as the result of the language contacts in general and the English language contacts with other languages in different stages of the development in particular. It is described the process of new lexical units appearance, which adapting to the language-recipient, became the integral part of its vocabulary. It is defined the notion “Language Contacts” and its meaning for English inlargement. It is shown the methodological approaches for language contacts and borrowing process investigation. It is established the relation between such variants of linguistic contacts as bilingualism and interference, which contribute new lexical elements to the borrowing process. Types of interference are established which stimulate the borrowing process to English. Two main approaches (structural and sociological) were found to comprehend the process of language contacts and reveal ways of borrowed units adapting as the result of assimilation of the language of a new word. Available methods of lexical borrowing analysis are analyzed which had been developed by representatives of the structural approach (distributive analysis, component analysis, transformation analysis, oppositional analysis, semantic field analysis). Two types of factors, influencing borrowing processes within the limits of the sociological approach are characterized: 1) different social phenomena and 2) conscious society influence. Extralinguistic factors are found out which influence the increasing English vocabulary. It is defined the notions “Linguistic planning”, “Linguistic construction”, “Linguistic Politics”. The scale of borrowing analysis (Thomason) is represented and it predicts the extent of interference and bilingualism (irregular, more regular and intense contacts). The developed methods for the adaptation analysis (non-adaptation) of new words in English are systematized by researchers, taking into account sociolinguistic and proper linguistic processes.

Authors and Affiliations

V. O. Karlova


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How To Cite

V. O. Karlova (2018). Methodology of Language Contact Studies and Their Result – Lexical Borrowings. НАУКОВИЙ ЧАСОПИС НАЦІОНАЛЬНОГО ПЕДАГОГІЧНОГО УНІВЕРСИТЕТУ ІМЕНІ М.П. ДРАГОМАНОВА. Серія 9. Сучасні тенденції розвитку мов, 18(), 74-86.