Methodology of the Teaching of Subject “Tuberculosis” to Students with the English-language Form of Education on the Basis of Application of Computer and Information Technologies
Journal Title: Lviv Clinical Bulletin - Year 2013, Vol 3, Issue 3
Introduction. At the stage of the unceasing progress of science and technology, the quality of education, and hence the use of innovative technologies, makes it possible to improve it. In the educational sector of Ukraine, the Concept for the training of the physicians is being developed, elaborated in accordance with the requirements of the World Federation of Medical Education and the main provisions of the Bologna Process. The educational sector, like medical education in particular, has entered the path of radical reforms and entry into the European educational space, requires the bringing of all of itscomponents to the generally accepted international standards. One of the initiators of the implementation of reforms and innovations into the medical and educational sector of Ukraine is the Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, the oldest medical institution of the country's education, founded in 1784. Aim. To highlight the teaching methodology of the discipline "tuberculosis" for the students of the English-speaking form of education using computer-information technologies. Materials and methods. The experience of the Department of Phthisiology and Pulmonology in conducting the educational process among the students of the English-speaking form of education is described. The achievements, problems and ways of their improvement in conditions of joining the European educational space are considered. Results. The work of the staff of the Department of Phthisiology and Pulmonology of the Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University in a complex with modern equipment of educational rooms and lecture rooms, dynamic provision of pedagogical process is provided taking into account the latest information technologies, systematic updating and replenishment of materials, including bench and test tasks, as well as comprehensive publishing of the activities and not only improve the quality of the educational process, but also the growth of students' interest in the subject “Tuberculosis” highlighting the problems of tuberculosis, which positively affects the prospects of the further professional orientation of future doctors. Conclusions. Achievements in the field of obtaining modern medical education in higher educational institutions of Ukraine will facilitate the attraction of new foreign citizens to study. High professionalism and spirituality, the achievements of the Ukrainian, in particular, Lviv medical school, can serve outside of our country. Ukraine, in keeping with the global educational trends, will have a worthy place in the modern information world.
Authors and Affiliations
G. Ilnyckyу, L. Bilozir, O. Bojko, U. Chulovska
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