Metropolie - czynniki integracji czy dezintegracji regionów? Metropolis - a factor of integration or disintegration of regions?


Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polskim It is generally assumed that metropolises are a product of globalization and the bases of globaliza- tion were created by network economy. Networks connect metropolis one with another, as well as with remote areas, create the basis for their cooperation and competition. The benefits drawn from networks cause the weakening of connections linking a metropolis with the regional base. The article is focused on analyzing the causes of weakening cooperation between the metropolis and the regional surroundings, their manifestations, consequences in the sphere of regional development and preventing these unfavor- able tendencies. Going over to the cooperation in a network is a necessary condition in contemporary economy. However, it cannot constitute a threat of disintegration of the region where the metropolis is situated. The regional base should still draw benefits from the neighborhood of a big city, which now functions as a metropolis on the principles adjusted to new conditions of economic development.

Authors and Affiliations

Urszula Wich


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  • EP ID EP168928
  • DOI 10.17951/h.2014.48.1.193
  • Views 63
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How To Cite

Urszula Wich (2014). Metropolie - czynniki integracji czy dezintegracji regionów? Metropolis - a factor of integration or disintegration of regions?. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio H Oeconomia, 0(0), 193-201.