Monitoring ichtiofauny systemu rzecznego Liswarty: kontynuacja w latach 2012–2013

Journal Title: Roczniki Naukowe Polskiego Związku Wędkarskiego - Year 2014, Vol 27, Issue


The structure and abundance of fish fauna of the Liswarta River system, the largest left side tributary of the Warta River, were investigated at 30 sampling sites in 2012 and 2013. A total of 9119 specimens weighing 178 kg were captured by electrofishing (standard CPUE method). Among 27 recorded species roach, perch, and gudgeon dominated in abundance, biomass and frequency of occurrence in the whole river system. The species composition of fish assemblages in the middle section of the Liswarta River and some of its tributaries are under strong influence of adjacent fishponds. The highest number of species, including many reophils, was noted in the lower section of the Liswarta River and some tributaries that inflow there, e.g. the Biała Oksza, Kocinka. In general the fish abundance in the main river of the system was low and a majority of the fish represented by small individuals, rarely achieving their size limits. In comparison to surveys carried out in 1996–98 there were no important changes in species composition, except for disappearance of barbel, arrival of Amur sleeper, which was not recorded previously, as well as introduction of brown trout and grayling to some sites in the Liswarta River system. Significant decreases of distribution areas were found for gudgeon, stone loach, stickleback and sunbleak.

Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Grabowska, Lidia Marszał, Bartosz Janic, Dariusz Pietraszewski, Dagmara Rachalewska, Grzegorz Zięba, Szymon Tybulczuk


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  • EP ID EP72563
  • DOI 10.12823/sapaa.0860-648X.14002
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How To Cite

Joanna Grabowska, Lidia Marszał, Bartosz Janic, Dariusz Pietraszewski, Dagmara Rachalewska, Grzegorz Zięba, Szymon Tybulczuk (2014). Monitoring ichtiofauny systemu rzecznego Liswarty: kontynuacja w latach 2012–2013. Roczniki Naukowe Polskiego Związku Wędkarskiego, 27(), 23-50.