Journal Title: ALTA. Pažangios mokymosi technologijos ir aplikacijos - Year 2018, Vol 9, Issue 1
With the growing demand for IT (information technology) professionals both in Lithuania and across Europe, more and more attention is being paid to gender distribution in this sphere. The current situation in Lithuania shows that the shortage of IT specialists will be felt for a number of years, but the number of women specialists in this field will increase very little. There are a number of reasons for this, but it is necessary to pay more attention to measures to fill the need for professionals by motivating girls already at school, giving them opportunities for non-formal education, especially at a distance education and by engaging them in the IT area, showing what career opportunities it provides. After analyzing different ways of motivating girls, conclusions are drawn from the study showing how girls value distance learning opportunities.
Authors and Affiliations
Rasa Steikūnienė, Edvinas Kavaliauskas
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