Motor fitness evaluation of young women doing aerobics recreationally


The aim of this study is to present the results of research, i.e. to answer the question: what is the influence of aerobics exercises to young women's motor capabilities. Some tests has been done to evaluate the level of young women's physical fitness (the main indicator-mark was the VO2max). Twelve students were examined. They have declared the low level of their physical activity. They have participated in cycle of aerobics exercises, which lasted for16 weeks. The aim of this research was to confirm the thesis that aerobics exercises have a positive influence on young women's physiological and morphological traits. Material and methods: During the experiment 12 students were examined. The cycle of aerobics exercises lasted for 4 months. One, separate activity (60 minutes) took place once a week, on Friday's afternoon. The results were put to the statistical analysis and the process of normalization, which showed the direction of parameter's changing. Results and conclusions: The reduction of weight was the motivation to attend to this cycle of aerobics exercises. In spite of that a decrease in this parameter was inconsiderable. The experiment showed that VO2max parameter increased in those women, who had a lower initial level of this mark. After 4 months of regular aerobics exercises researchers noticed that results of those women, who had higher initial VO2max changed for the worse. Regular aerobics activities helped all the participants to keep the constant weight, which was consistent with another author's publication. The results pointed out the necessity of initial selection of women in such a heterogeneous group. The main mark of this selection seemed to be VO2max. This should enable the proper selection of exercises and make the practice more effective. The researchers noticed a significant improvement in such motor capabilities like: strength and speed (superiority in anaerobic components).

Authors and Affiliations

Małgorzata Żychowska, Monika Nowak, Danuta Żiżka-Salamon


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How To Cite

Małgorzata Żychowska, Monika Nowak, Danuta Żiżka-Salamon (2010). Motor fitness evaluation of young women doing aerobics recreationally. Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie, 15(1), 137-147.