Nauczyciel w kontekście zmian społecznych

Journal Title: Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna - Year 2016, Vol 7, Issue 1


Teacher in the Context of Social Changes In following article author describes influence of social changes on teacher’s position and role in today’s society, and how his role evolves in today’s school. These are not simple changes, they are caused by ongoing globalization, or they can be forced from above. To cope with these needs teacher must have certain psychological predispositions, creative personality which is open for another human being and top class qualifications and competences. That is why the author describes the meaning of lifelong education in context of gaining new levels of professional promotions.

Authors and Affiliations

Ewa IR


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How To Cite

Ewa IR (2016). Nauczyciel w kontekście zmian społecznych. Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna, 7(1), 51-56.