Niestandardowy rozwój semantyczny tak zwanych rzeczowników ilościowych w gwarach polskich. Zarys problematyki


The objective of this article is a linguistics description of unconventional development of a group of lexems. They represent the group of nouns so-called “quantitive nouns”. Those lexems being genetically nouns by undergoing a gradual numeralisation process are used to describe quantity or size of a given set. As a result of such slow lexicalisation in the function of numerals, the subject group that contains such noun adopts the form of predicate typical of numeral structures, i.e. third person singular, neuter gender (in case of forms that determine gender), which determines that fact that given lexem is used as a numeral, e.g.: Na jeziorze pływało gwałt kaczek. In the analysis the particulary attention has been paid to features common for both the general language and dialects as well as to these aspects which clearly shows a difference between the diacectical lexis and general Polish. This paper shows that opposed to general language the dialectical lexems – nouns so-called “quantitive nouns” – enter into relations typical not only of numerals but also of adverbs, e.g.: A to płótno było gwałt moncniejsze jak kupne; Buł jedyn chłop kąsek głupkowaty.

Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Kozioł


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  • EP ID EP281665
  • DOI 10.26485/RKJ/2017/64/9
  • Views 140
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How To Cite

Joanna Kozioł (2017). Niestandardowy rozwój semantyczny tak zwanych rzeczowników ilościowych w gwarach polskich. Zarys problematyki. Rozprawy Komisji Językowej Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego, 0(), 123-136.