Niezgodności a zdarzenia niepożądane jako element oceny jakości opieki długoterminowej
Journal Title: Innowacje w Pielęgniarstwie i Naukach o Zdrowiu - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue 1
Introduction. Firstly , in view of various definitions of nonconformities and adverse events , the terminology of corrective and preventive measures in the process of quality management was compared. The concept of corrective or preventive action has also been included in the legislative documents (Health Care Quality Act and Patient Safety Act ) what may be a breakthrough with regard to not noncomformities but rather the registration process of adverse events. Overview. The "medical event" and "medical error" are very similar terms to those discussed in this article. For reasons of simplification , due to the number and volume of the interpretation of the legislation as well as the greater clarity and improving good management practice, the analysis of the sources focused on the location of "noncomformities " and "adverse events" in relation to one another in quality management systems. It should be noted that the subject is not new and there are various proposals for the catalogue of registered adverse events. E In the field of nursing they are identified and repetitive events with a different degree of probability and frequency . Quality issues in health care are regulated in many legal acts. Promoting pro-quality initiatives would entail the introduction of quality requirements and a systematic assessment of their fulfillment. Conclusions. A systematic approach to quality in health care requires intorducing such terms of assesment as “unsatisfactory” and “unacceptable quality "and the introduction of solutions to improve quality of health care. Implementation of legal and organizational solutions aims at intorducing policy priorities in the area of healthcare quality , comprehensively and in a coordinated way. The scope of the proposed legal regulation assumes the introduction of solutions in the field of systematic monitoring of adverse events (system of monitoring adverse events).
Authors and Affiliations
Robert Piekarski
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