Nominations of taxes in the Middle-Ukrainian language of the ХІV–ХV centuries (general tax-related nominations, tax gathering related nominations).


The article is devoted to the nominations of tax sphere in the Middle-Ukrainian language (ХІV–ХV centuries). The history of certain nominations is described in the research of P. Bilousenko, L. Boyko, T. Krehno, V. Nimchuk, T. Tsymbal, F. Yaroshenko, V. V. Pavlenko, V. L. Pavlenko, etc. But there is still a number of unresolved questions about the formation history of the nominations of the tax sphere in general. The article gives a detailed analysis of words that indicate the nominations of the taxation process from collection of actual material from historical dictionaries, charters and other sources of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Specificity addresses the question how each nomination is formed, from the words which it originates and what it means. Special attention is drawn to the origin of the words and their lexical meaning. The article highlights the interdependence of socio-political processes and the development of the Middle Ukrainian language. The study describes a lexical and semantic group in the texts of the XIV–XV centuries which covers the types of compulsory collection of subjects of taxation from the population to the state treasury. The derivation of taxes nominations has a tendency to preserve the old lexical fund but borrowings are not excluded. The results of the research allow to state the systematic organization of the subject group «the nominations of taxes» and their lexical word-formation heterogeneity. Other types of taxes nominations which are accumulating in the memos of the specified period, require complex analysis and represent further research aspects. The paper uses: descriptive method (acceptance of classification and systematization); comparative study; comparative-historical method (reception of chronology, reception of cultural-historical interpretation).

Authors and Affiliations

К. Б. Рибак


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How To Cite

К. Б. Рибак (2018). Nominations of taxes in the Middle-Ukrainian language of the ХІV–ХV centuries (general tax-related nominations, tax gathering related nominations).. Науковий вісник Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка. Серія: Філологічні науки (мовознавство), 9(), 181-185.