Odpowiedzialność przedsiębiorstw energetycznych za szkody wynikłe z przerw w dostawach energii
Journal Title: Radca Prawny. Zeszyty naukowe - Year 2019, Vol 19, Issue 2
Aspects discussed in this article relate to a widespread problem of stability of supply in the energy sector, which is related to, amongst others, civil-compensatory liability of energy companies for damage resulting from energy supply disruptions. For that purpose, the analysis will include the provision of Article 471 of the Polish Civil Code, establishing contractual liability and provisions relating to tort liability, e.g. the provision of Article 415 of the Polish Civil Code based on the principle of fault or the provision of Article 435 of the Polish Civil Code establishing liability on the principle of risk. Moreover, in this article, on the basis of analyzed case law, an attempt has been made to answer the question whether an energy company can effectively exculpate himself by applying the concept vis maior, i.e. force majeure. This raises the primary problem of whether, in the event of violent, extreme and unexpected atmospheric phenomena resulting in the failure of power networks, external entities (energy consumers) can pursue their claims against energy companies with whom contracts for transmission, distribution, sale of electricity or comprehensive contracts have been concluded, and if so, on what legal basis and how energy companies can defend themselves against such claims?
Authors and Affiliations
Wiktor Będkowski
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