This paper analizes in what way Teresa of Avila affected the life and thinking
processes of Edith Stein. The author focused especially on a particular moment
in Edith Stein’s life, when she discovered Teresa of Avila, to...
The latest document ot the Commission of the Holy See for Religious
Relations with the Jews, the fourth turn, is strictly theological. Taken in the
four specific issues: (1) the importance of revelation (God’s Word), (2)...
The author of the article discusses the most important questions of the
lay people’s spirituality according to Saint Augustine. He particularly focuses
on the relation to the world and that’s why he analyzes the connecti...
Aphrahat, called the Persian Sage, was a Syriac-Christian of the 3-rd / 4-th
century from Adiabene region of Persian Empire. He is an author of twenty-three
sermons called Demonstrationes (sometimes also Homiliae). Almos...
Teresa Wielka w życiu i pismach Edyty Stein
This paper analizes in what way Teresa of Avila affected the life and thinking processes of Edith Stein. The author focused especially on a particular moment in Edith Stein’s life, when she discovered Teresa of Avila, to...
III Międzynarodowa Konferencja Biblijna Interpretacja i translatoryka biblijna, 7–8 czerwca 2016 r., Ostrów Wielkopolski
Dokument Stolicy Apostolskiej w pół wieku po Nostra aetate
The latest document ot the Commission of the Holy See for Religious Relations with the Jews, the fourth turn, is strictly theological. Taken in the four specific issues: (1) the importance of revelation (God’s Word), (2)...
Znaczenie dialogów filozofi cznych świętego Augustyna dla duchowości laikatu
The author of the article discusses the most important questions of the lay people’s spirituality according to Saint Augustine. He particularly focuses on the relation to the world and that’s why he analyzes the connecti...
„Narody zamiast narodu”. Afrahata polemika z judaizmem
Aphrahat, called the Persian Sage, was a Syriac-Christian of the 3-rd / 4-th century from Adiabene region of Persian Empire. He is an author of twenty-three sermons called Demonstrationes (sometimes also Homiliae). Almos...