Особливості функціонування констативних, квеситивних та директивних реплік-відповідей у діалогічному дискурсі
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 12
The purpose of the paper is to study the features of functioning of constative reply statements, reply questions and directive reply statements in communication process. The analysis of some pragmatic and semantic characteristics of the constative reply statements, reply questions and directive reply statements demonstrates that their meaning is characterized by some pragmatic variation and depends on the hearer’s communicative intentions. In communication space the role of the hearer is very important. The constative reply statements, reply questions and directive reply statements express the hearer’s attitude to the initial statement in the form of different strategies. The hearer’s strategies are actualized by different tactics of contradistinction, clarification, indirect response, stаtement irrelevance, disagreement motivation, discredit,termination of action. The pragmatic meaning of the mentioned constative reply statements, reply questions and directive statements may be actualized in direct and implicated forms of nomination. Their pragmatic variation, the organization of language material may be determined by the hearer’s intention and his social role. The analysis of the constative reply statements, reply questions and directive statements functioning has led to the conclusion that their variation in the process of communication includes a variety of tactics and is characterized by diversity of language means.
Authors and Affiliations
Т. М. Артеменко, І. П. Липко
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