Явище синтаксичної підрядності в англомовному публіцистичному дискурсі та проблеми його перекладу українською мовою
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 15
This article defines and examines the existing issues of translation the subordinate sentences from the English-language publicistic discourse into Ukrainian; analyzes the peculiarities of the subordinate clauses translation and gives some general tips to translators. The material for the research was 200 complex sentences, selected from the news websites articles on social and political themes. It was determined that Object clauses and Adverbial Modifiers clauses are the most frequently used (46% and 28% of all the analyzed sentences), the Subject clauses and Predicate clause are the least used (only 4% and 9% correspondingly). According to the sentence structure, in the publicistic discourse, complex sentences with one or two subordinates are dominated. The translation analysis of the selected subordinate sentences showed that grammatical and/or lexical transformations always occur in the translation process. They relate to the inevitable adaptation to the target language norms, therefore the most frequent transformation is the Replacement (42% of all transformations). The least common transformations are the Sentence Integration (1%) and the change of the type of subordinate clause and change of its members’ syntactic function (5%). The research has shown that all factors that determine the need for transformations can be divided into several categories: lexical, grammatical, logical, artistic factors and factors of the general perception of the text, which have different degrees of necessity for making transformations. The author advises translators to use synonymous constructs and transformations only when there is no way to preserve the structure of the expression. In addition, the translation of long sentences should take into account the perception of the reader, that is, the use of too massive and overloaded sentences should be avoided.
Authors and Affiliations
О. Г. Василенко
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