Система, орфоепічна норма, національна варіативність сучасної німецької мови
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 11
The problem of language system and norm interdependence is debatable in the linguistic research owing to the complex lingual and social nature of the language norm category. In the present paper the language system is regarded according to L.A. Verbitskaya as “a system of language facilities, a system of models, which have not been completely realized” and the language norm as “a scope of phenomena, which are enabled by the language system, selected and fixed in the speech of native speakers and obligatory for all the native speakers of the language”. In nationally heterogeneous languages language norm is considered to be variable in its national standards. Thus national variants of the German standard language are viewed upon as variants of language norm and system. An experimental-phonetic study of modification processes of vowel and consonant phonemes in the prepared speech of Germans, Austrians and the Swiss allows us to establish some divergent tendencies in the development of the German othoepic norm in its national variants in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The orthoepic norm of the Swiss national standard is characterized by a greater degree of «conservatism» as compared with the national standards in Germany and Austria, which show greater dynamics of phonetic change. The established variability of the modern German orthoepic norm can be explained by the historical factors of the development of the German phoneme system in its national variants in Germany, Austria and Switzerland as well as through the interference of the articulation basis of the Viennese and the Zurich dialects on the speech of Austrians and the Swiss.
Authors and Affiliations
Т. М. Сольська
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