Четыре «Мазепы» пушкинской эпохи


The article presents four sights at a personality of I. Mazepa in the art works of the Pushkin epoch: K.F. Ryleyev’s poem “Voynarovsky”, E.P. Aladin’s historical story “Kochubey”, A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Poltava”, F.V. Bulgarin’s historical novel “Mazepa”. The given works are considered as different aspects of the art critisism of one historical source which is D.N. Bantysh-Kamensky’s work “History of Small Russia from its accession to the Russian state up to a hetmanship cancelling, with the general introduction, the appendix of materials and portraits”. Mid-1820s saw the interest the Russian literature paid to the history, especially to the events, from the time of which “a hundred years have passed”: to the beginning of the 18th century, to the times of Peter the Great. The brightest event of this epoch was Battle of Poltava. So the most interesting literary character in a psychological sense was Ivan Mazepa, the Ukrainian Hetman being a traitor. “Mazeppa” (1818), a poem written by Lord Byron, played here not the least role. An English romanticist who grounded his work on the Western historical research (primarily, on “The History of Charles the XII” by Voltaire), tried to present the historical appearance of a rebellious Hetman in a poetic way as well as the reasons that forced the citizen of the Russian Empire to “desert” to the Swedish king. The authors of the four “Mazepas” were familiar with each other despite the fact that they belonged to the different social and literary groups. That decade, which saw the emergence of these four works, was not easy, as it is characterized by the peak of the Decembrist movement and its defeat, the first attempts to reform the reign of Nicholas, the escalation of the national question and the Polish uprising of 1831. Therefore, the authors of the four “Mazepas” read D.N. Bantysh-Kamensky’s work and interpreted it in their own way.

Authors and Affiliations

В. А. Кошелев


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  • EP ID EP507249
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2016-0-12-150-156
  • Views 111
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How To Cite

В. А. Кошелев (2016). Четыре «Мазепы» пушкинской эпохи. Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 2(12), 150-156. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-507249