Зінченко О.З. Феномен образу святості Феодосія та Антонія в літературі Києворуської держави.
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 16
In this paper, based on diachronic approach in the plane of the Orthodox exegesis, descriptions of concepts shading phenomenon holiness Anthony unlike the descriptions of the concept of holiness Feodosiy Pechersky was investigated for the first time. In addition, based on the false dichotomy of contrastive and comparative analysis, problems of the existence of the manuscript «The Life of Antony» whose research interest due to the evolutionary transition of holiness phenomenon in Kyiv Rus and to the establishment of the first supporting bases holiness paradigm in ancient literature were reduced to the dilemma. We can make analogies of the time measure of canonization: Feodosiy was canonized before the founder of the Kyiv-Pechersk Monastery – Anthony, as well Boris and Glib were ahead of the glorification of the saints Olga and Volodymyr. Feodosiy was the second holy officially canonized by church and the first reverend in Russ. In general, it is not known whether there was a life of St. Anthony. And for this, apparently, there were reasons: he lived alone in a cave to death. The life of Feodosiy Pechersky came to us, written by Nestor 14 years after the death of the saint in 1074. The lives of the Palestinian Saints Euphemia and Sabbas the Sanctified were among the foreign sources that influenced Nestor’s paper. At this time, the Palestinian ideal of holiness was close to the religious life of Russ. Ancient Egyptian and Palestinian Paterikes were available in translations in Russ. Nestor’s work contains real biographical information on the life of the saint, unlike Byzantine hagiography. However, the Feodosiy Pechersky himself often does not correspond to the established image of Byzantine holiness. He very boldly intervenes in politics. Feodosiy and Prince Izyaslav were supportive of each other, but even when the prince was removed from the throne – he began a risky relationship with the new prince Svyatoslav. The relationship between Antony and Izyaslav was of another nature. Some researchers believe that the struggle between Byzantism and Western influences was the cause of Anthony and Izyaslav’s conflict. It was at this time (1054 year) that a church schism took place, and Izyaslav had connections with the West and Rome. In contrast to Feodosiy, Anthony was a strict “Byzantist”, although Feodosiy also wrote “The Message about the Latins” to Prince Izyaslav. Despite previous studies of the phenomena of the image of the sanctity of these saints in Old Ukrainian literature, a number of research directions still arouse considerable scientific interest related to being and rethinking religious concepts of holiness and sinfulness in various components of Old Russian literature.
Authors and Affiliations
О. З. Зінченко
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