Комунікативний аспект соціальних мереж Facebook і Twitter
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 12
Social media has had a tremendous effect on the English language and how we communicate. In the last few years, information and communication technologies have evolved rapidly and have created new forms of literacies. This article presents a new insight into the study of computer-mediated communication by analysing comments posted on Twitter and Facebook social networking sites. The paper aims to look into all levels of the structural organization of the social networking service: phonetic, grammatical, lexical, syntactic and graphic. It was found that Twitter and Facebook social networks, where interaction takes place mostly via written texts, create a new way of communication which resembles a kind of colloquial style. We share more personal information, but also communicate with larger audiences. Social media sites like Twitter impose a character limit that forces users to condense their thoughts and it leads to agrammatism. This results also in excessive use of textspeak. This type of shorthand involves a whole new language of abbreviations. Our communication styles consequently become more informal and more open, and this seeps into other areas of life and culture. As these conversations happen at an alarming rate, the volume with which we are sending out communications has also increased. Social media use requires some unique adaptations, but it also provides us with a whole new way to communicate. As technology and social media continues to advance, there will surely be more language-altering shifts occurring.
Authors and Affiliations
О. І. Дзюбіна
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